Ads Paid Per Click (PPC)

Maximize the potential of every click.
Eliminate wasteful ad spending.

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Paid campaigns for faster results

PPC and SEO can work in synergy, balancing cost per lead and short term results while the longer term benefits of SEO can take time to build.

We utilise PPC & paid social campaigns to provide our clients with potential quicks win and more targeted results, whilst putting in place longer term strategies using and content.

Let's Work Together

Lower volume, larger returns. Paid strategies focusing on quality over quantity.

We specialise in work on B2B PPC & paid search campaigns targeting niche markets that don’t always have the highest search volumes, or where key accounts are being targeted as part of a ABM strategy. They do, however, often return higher deal values, B2B is often about quality over quantity.


Why you need Advertisment PPC

Lead Generation from Search Engine

Your target audience is looking for products and services on Google. Ads campaigns ensure that your page pops up at the right place at the right time. You’ll be presented as a solution to a moment of inquiry, at the top of a search page.

Lead Generation from Social Media

On average, people spend 145 minutes per day on social media. To capitalize on this, social media advertising projects your brand to a specifically targeted audience by finding them where they already are.

Budget Control

With PPC ads, the price you pay is dependent on the cost of the keywords you bid on for your ads.

Performance Tracking

PPC ads allows you to make smart business decisions based on data.

Target your specific ideal customers

If you know the demographics of your target audience(s), you can engage the exact target audience instead of wasting valuable money serving ads to irrelevant audiences.

More brand recognition

As your PPC ads show up more frequently, more people will see (and later recognize) your brand. That’s great for building your company’s reputation online.


As easy as 1, 2, 3

Understand Your Customer

In order to target the right person, we need to understand the customer persona, journey and Job to be Done

Start Small

In the first 3 months, we are going to test several ads campaigns. The result will be analyzed weekly and monthly.

Scale Up

The best performing result will be analyzed and optimized. So, the ads campaign is on point to achieve the designated goals

Case studies

Read some customer stories

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"I was amazed at the quality of Orca Strategic. It's exactly what I've been looking for. This is simply unbelievable!"

- Staford C.
CEO Electronic B2B Service

"Keep up the excellent work. Man, this thing is getting better and better as I learn more about it. I have gotten at least 10 times the value from Orca Strategic. Orca Strategic is worth much more than I paid."

- Charissa C.
CEO HR Service Company

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